This is written as an intro to Matt and Beth Redman's song "Blessed be your name", but you could use it alone. The aim is to help people meditate on how they are feeling and make everyone feel welcomed, so that they know their contribution to worship is important however they are feeling.

Put up the four images from the song, and ask people to consider which of these they relate to best this week. Can they think of specific reasons why they feel this way? Depending on the congregation, they could just reflect silently, or write their responses down, or share with one or two people near them (remember to stress that people only need to share as much as they feel comfortable with). You can then say the following words together, and lead into singing the song.

The images for this idea have recently been updated.

(we say together:)
If you're splashing in streams of abundance,?
we welcome you - share your joy.
If you're parched in a desert wasteland,?
we welcome you - share your doubts.
If you're relaxing in the light of contentment,?
we welcome you - share your peace.?
If you're stumbling on a road of suffering,?
we welcome you - share your pain.

(we pray together:)
God of water, earth, light and brokenness?
we welcome you, as you welcome us.
