Blessing based on Phil 1:3-11
This blessing prayer is developed from Paul's prayer for the Philippians. It is written for a leader to speak as a closing blessing over a congregation. The reading fits with the 2nd Sunday of Advent in year C, but there is no reason why this shouldn't be used at any time.
Excerpt from the prayer:
May you find joy in each other.
May you find gospel partnerships in each other.
May he who began a good work in you,
carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
May you carry each other in your hearts,
and share God's grace with each other.
May you have the affection of Jesus Christ for each other.
May your love abound more and more,
in knowledge and depth of insight,
so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ...
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