Building a miracle memorial
As part of the Arts and Crafts workshop at the Engage Worship Day 2014, we made a memorial of God's miracles. In the Message paraphrase, Psalm 111:4 reads: 'His miracles are his memorial'. I love the idea that the miraculous things God does in our lives (mundade and great) serve as a memorial to give glory to him and to remind us - and others - of how great he is.
Below the picture of the final product, and included as a PDF attachment, are the instructions that the workshop participants followed. We then drew attention to the memorial in the final celebration: we read Psalm 111 out loud together (using the Message version) and looked at the box artwork.
Next everyone was given a copy of the 'fold-a-box' PDF (it's two pages - make it double sided!). The idea was for each person to draw their worship to God in the designated space on the box, fold the box together and then add it to the memorial. As it was, this was quite a challenge and turned into a bit of a personality test for the congregation: some folded the box quickly without looking at me, some followed my instructions carefully and managed to acheive a box, whilst some gave up pretty quickly and folded a paper aeroplane instead... I would therefore recommend the folding activity to take place in small groups with plenty of time!

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (Year B)
Proper 15, Ordinary/Lectionary 20 (Year B)
Proper 23, Ordinary/Lectionary 28 (Year C)
Whatever arts / crafts material you can lay your hands on
Double-sided sticky tape
(if you choose to use it: print-outs of 'fold-a-box' PDF)
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