John 21 Active Reading
This was written for our Resurrection People resource, and we've enjoyed using it with groups so here it is for you. It looks at the sense of the John 21 fishing story through the lense of Jesus helping them in their work. If you like it, do consider getting the whole Church Service Pack which has loads more resources like this.
Invite people to repeat what you say and do. So for the first line, say the line while doing the action, and then the congregation do and say the same along with you.
Working as a fisherman [mime casting rod].
We’ve got blisters on our hands [show hands].
We’ve been fishing through the night [yawn],
yet there are no fish in sight [hold up empty hands, look sad].
Someone standing on the beach [shade eyes and squint to make out].
Calls to us “you got no fish?” [hold hands around mouth to shout louder].
Give our weary heads a shake [shake heads].
Nothing seems to go our way [thumbs down].
Stranger says “why don’t you try [hold hands around mouth to shout louder]
casting on the other side?” [point to the right].
Heard those words somewhere before [scratch head, look puzzled],
we obey and fish once more [throw net on right side].
Suddenly our nets are full [arms up, shocked face],
too much for our arms to pull! [try pulling nets hard].
I look at that guy again [shade eyes and squint to make out],
“Hey it’s Jesus, it’s our friend!” [point in delight].
Peter leaps into the sea [mime dive],
swims to Jesus, full of glee [mime swim, silly grin].
Leaving us to land the boat [wipe sweat off brow],
all these fish, it barely floats! [bend knees as if sinking].
On the beach we find a camp [point],
coalfire glows to dry the damp [warm hands].
Jesus says “give me those fish” [hand out]
cooks them for our breakfast dish [mime frying pan].
Risen Jesus, here today [point at everyone],
be in all we do and say [bring your hands to your heart].
Take the work our hands produce [hold open hands],
put it to eternal use [lift hands to heaven].
Third Sunday of Easter (Year C)
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