Open Up prayer
We wrote this for Youthwork Summit 2014, as it fitted the theme and gave us a good way to start the day. We split the 'leader' voice across the band, so it made it less focused on one person. We also interspersed the prayer with singing the verse lyrics to the song 'Open the eyes of my heart', but limited the chords to just E and Bm for a different feel.
You can get the PowerPoint from the link to the right, or just use the words in whatever way you normally do. I should mention that I stole the fourth line from a great prayer by Mark Earey, which is also available on this site.
Note: we slightly adapted this for the Engage Day 2015 - this version is also pasted below and included as another PowerPoint.
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Thanks , Sam - this was a great way to start our morning services for 'Vision Sunday' last weekend .