New Heaven, New Earth
This is a wonderful poetic re-telling of the Revelation 21 passage about new heavens and new earth. Could be used at any point where you want to inject God's hope for re-creation and resurrection.
Extract from the poem:
And I saw, and I saw, and I saw a new heaven.
And I saw, and I saw, and I saw a new earth,
for the first earth had gone,
and the first heaven with it
and the sea, and the sea, and the sea was no more.
And I saw, and I saw, a new holy city,
a brand new Jerusalem, come down from God,
come down from heaven
adorned for her husband,
dressed like a, dressed like a, dressed like a bride.
Come and see, said the One who sat on the throne.
Come and see, you can trust what I tell you is true.
Write down what you see, so everyone knows
I am making, am making everything new.
And I heard, and I heard, and I heard a loud voice.
And I heard, and I heard a loud voice from the throne:
I will live among women,
and live among men,
and will dwell with them, dwell with them, dwell with them all...
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New Year's Day (Year *)
Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year C)
All Saints' Day (Year B)
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