We hope that you enjoy this poem by Chloe Axford, especially as you prepare and plan for Easter. It is based on John 20:1-18 and the image of the empty tomb as a symbol of Jesus' resurrection. See also Chloe's other resource on this theme: engageworship.org/ideas/Easter_Promise

The Promise of the Empty Tomb
The promise of the empty tomb
Rips the rug from under your feet,
And says hold on tight
We're going for a ride
Into the deep unknown
The promise of the empty tomb
Says the story doesn't end the way
You think it will.
Yes, your future is set in stone,
But I carved it and it's beautiful
The promise of the empty tomb
Says you are worth so much more
Than you think you are
You are to die for
And I did
The promise of the empty tomb
Drives nails through darkness
And says trust me
I have a plan
And it is good
The promise of the empty tomb
Rolls back the stone
Dances on death
And says why are you crying,
Don't you know me?