This is Paul's prayer for Timothy from 1 Tim 6, rewritten as a sending blessing. It would work well in a service where you have spoken about money, finances and storing up treasures in heaven, through living generously.

You can download the PowerPoint to display on a screen, or print the words in a booklet.

LEADER: People of God, flee from the temptations of money;
the arrogance of ownership,
the false hope of wealth.
ALL: Instead, we will pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
endurance and gentleness.

LEADER: Fight the good fight of the faith.
ALL: We will take hold of the eternal life to which we were called when we made our good confession.

LEADER: In the sight of God,
who gives life to everything,
and of Christ Jesus,
ALL: let us keep this command without
spot or blame until the appearing of
our Lord Jesus Christ.

LEADER: God will bring this about
in his own time -
ALL: God, the blessed and only Ruler,
the King of kings and Lord of lords,
who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light,
whom no one has seen or can see.
To him be honour and might for ever.

LEADER: It is this God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
ALL: Let us do good, be rich in good deeds, and be generous and willing to share.

LEADER: In this way we will lay up treasure for ourselves as a firm foundation
for the coming age,
ALL: so that we may take hold of the
life that is truly life. Amen.