Good Samaritan active reading
This version of the Good Samaritan story gets everyone involved. At the end, there is a challenge as to who God is calling us to be a good neighbour to.
Extract from the script:
"Jesus," asked a man, one day. "What must I do to live forever with God."
"What have you been taught?" Said Jesus.
"Love God - with everything I am," answered the man. "And love my neighbour in the same way I love myself."
"Good," Jesus smiled. "That's what I would have said."
"But who exactly is my neighbour?" asked the man.
So Jesus told him a story:
There once was a man who went for a walk, from Jerusalem down to Jericho. (Have everyone tremble and say, "Oh my, that's a dangerous road!")
Robbers grabbed hold of the man, and beat him, and took his clothes, and left him lying helpless by the side of the road. (Have everyone hide their eyes and say, "I don't think I can watch.")
Soon, a priest walked by. (Have everyone shout, "He'll help the man!")
But the priest didn't. He walked past the helpless man and left him lying there. (Have everyone shake their heads and sadly say, "Oh dear.")
A man who worked at the temple came by next. (Have everyone shout, "He'll help the man!")
But he didn't, either. He walked past the helpless man and left him lying there. (Have everyone shake their heads and sadly say, "Oh dear.")
Then a Samaritan came by (Have everyone make a puzzled face and ask, "What's a Samaritan?")
The beaten man was Jewish. And Samaritans didn't believe the same things about God as Jewish people. Also, some very bad things had happened between Jews and Samaritans, years and years before. So they didn't get along...
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Proper 10, Ordinary/Lectionary 15 (Year C)
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