Mary's Gift dramatic reading
This unpacks the story of Mary anointing Jesus' feet. Telling tips - break your crowd into pairs. One will be Lazarus. The other will be Jesus. Prepare two people to demonstrate the actions as you go through.
Extract from the script:
If your brother died (Lazarus tilts head to one side, shuts eyes and says "urp")
and someone brought him back to life again (Jesus nudges Lazarus. Lazarus "wakes" with a start)
you'd welcome him into your home, if he was passing through town.
And because Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, that's what Lazarus's sister Mary did, when Jesus passed through Bethany, six days before the Passover.
If your brother died (Lazarus tilts head to one side, shuts eyes and says "urp")
and someone brought him back to life again (Jesus nudges Lazarus. Lazarus "wakes" with a start)
you might be inclined to cook him a slap-up meal.
And that's just what Mary did for Jesus, with Lazarus sat at the table, too, in all his no-longer-decomposing glory.
If your brother died (Lazarus tilts head to one side, shuts eyes and says "urp")
and someone brought him back to life again (Jesus nudges Lazarus. Lazarus "wakes" with a start)
you might want to say "thank-you" in the most obvious, generous, and over-the-top manner you could think of...
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